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'Modi�s surgical strike a political gimmick'

By Prabir sil

AGARTALA, Nov 9 - Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar on Wednesday termed Prime Minister Narendra Modi�s surgical strike on the monetary system through banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations as political gimmick.

�I have not seen the Prime Minister�s announcement banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations. But what I came to know through media reports is that the Prime Minister wanted to check blackmoney, corruption and circulation of fake notes by adopting these measures�, he told the media at a press conference in the Civil Secretariat here.

Coming down heavily on the BJP-led government over blackmoney, Sarkar said the measures � banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currencies are unlikely to address the parallel economy. �Modiji has already spent 900 days in office as the Prime Minister. Did he keep promises made during the last general elections? He promised to bring black money stashed in foreign country if the BJP is voted to power but what has he done so far? Why the BJP Government has not made list of people having blackmoney stashed in foreign countries? Thus, it is nothing but a political gimmick to confuse the people�, he alleged.

Sarkar also hammered Modi for doing nothing to recover bad debts of the nationalised banks worth Rs 11 lakh crore. �This could be the biggest scandal in the country after independence�, he said. Poking fun at the BJP�s much-hyped campaign of bringing good days for the country, he said it had promised to create two crore jobs each year to address the unemployment problem. �Study suggests only 1.20 lakh jobs are being created each year which is a gross deviation from the promise�, he said.

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