TURA, May 14 � The Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) has been summoned before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) Court in New Delhi on July 1 in the toll gate collection issue. In a hearing held today in New Delhi, the NGT also asked the Meghalaya Government to ensure all illegal collections in the gates are stopped within ten days.
In a relief to the fighting coal miners, mainly of South Garo Hills, the NGT has extended the date of payment of royalty till May 31, while also extending the date of transportation of coal by another month, till June 30.
�This ruling is mainly due to the miners from South Garo Hills who came forward with receipts of toll collections. The NGT has stated in its order that it has not allowed for collection of toll by the GHADC and as such the Court has asked the GHADC to appear before it to explain its actions on July 1�, said Advocate Saurabh Sharma from New Delhi.
Meanwhile, complaints of illegal collection of money at almost all the government gates has been touched upon and the NGT has taken a strong stand on the complaints. The gates now in question are those of the departments of DMR, Taxation and Transport at various locations in the State.
�Meghalaya Government has been asked to stop all illegal collection of money from coal trucks that are plying on various routes. The NGT has given the State 10 days to comply with the order or further action will follow�, added Sharma.
�The government has clarified that it has submitted a draft mining plan to the Central Mining Development Institute (CMDI) which is currently being looked into and will be submitted to the NGT immediately after it is approved. The next date of hearing is on July 8. The NGT has also stated that it will review the need for extension of transportation dates at the next hearing�, added Sharma.