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Maoist-NE ultra link evokes concern

By R Dutta Choudhury

GUWAHATI, Aug 29 � Growing links between the Maoist rebel groups and some of the militant outfits of the North East region has become a serious cause of concern and the issue came up for detailed discussion in the recently concluded meet of the DGPs and IGPs of all the states in New Delhi.

Highly placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that though the Maoist rebel groups are yet to have strong presence in the North East states, the groups are trying to maintain close links with some of the rebel groups of the region. Recent intelligence input of a group of Maoist rebels visiting Myanmar for training is viewed with serious concern by the Government of India. Sources said that the Maoist rebels must have visited Myanmar to receive training in the bases of the NE rebel groups in the neighbouring country, but the group is yet to be identified. A number of rebel groups of the region have strong bases in Myanmar and the Maoists could have visited any of such camp, sources added. In view of the development, the issue of securing the international border with Myanmar came up for discussion again in the recent meeting.

Sources said that it is now an established fact that the Maoist groups have established strong links with Manipur based militant group PLA and leaders of the PLA had meetings with Maoists in Jharkhand. Sources said that senior leaders of the Maoist groups also visited Manipur last year and it is believed that both the groups would be benefited from mutual understanding and the PLA cadres are in a position to provide training to the Maoist members.

Interestingly, the security agencies have come across links between the Maoist groups and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (I-M), which is under ceasefire agreement with the Government of India. Sources said that the security agencies have definite information of NSCN leaders attending a meeting of the Maoist groups in Dandakaryana in Chattisgarh and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has taken serious note of the situation and the matter was taken up with the leaders of the NSCN. Security agencies believe that the NSCN might be imparting training to some of the cadres of the Maoist groups as the members of the outfit had done so in case of other militant groups of the region in the past.

Sources said that the Maoist rebels have openly supported all the �nationality struggles� including the struggle of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA). At one point of time, the Maoists had close links with the ULFA but in between the links snapped because of ideological differences following the involvement of the ULFA in the killing of Hindi speaking people. But the Maoists have started issuing statements supporting the cause of the ULFA and Maoist leader Kishenji recently openly extended support to the ULFA in an interview.

The security agencies also believe that the Maoist groups might try to procure weapons from the militant groups of the region. The North East militant groups have abundance of sophisticated weapons and not many trained cadres to use those, while, the Maoists have shortage of weapons and abundance of manpower. Moreover, the Maoists have started using sophisticated weapons and there are reasons to believe that they might be getting weapons from the militant groups of North East, sources added. Sources, however, admitted that so far security agencies do not have concrete evidence of the Maoists receiving weapons from the militants of NE.

Sources revealed that the Maoist rebels have already established bases in 20 states of the country but their activities are more prominent in the states of Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, parts of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and one district of Maharashtra. The level of violence in Andhra Pradesh has come down as the rebels are on the back foot following sustained operations.

Meanwhile, police sources said that the Maoist rebels are yet to establish bases in Assam. Sources said that a few years back, the Maoists formed a lower Assam zonal committee but the move was foiled. The police has identified the areas where the Maoists can try to establish their bases in Assam and a close watch is being maintained in such areas.

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