Panna (MP), Feb 25: A labourer and his partners found a 14.09 carat diamond on Wednesday in a mine they had taken on lease near a village in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, an official said.
Experts said the precious stone may fetch up to Rs 70 lakh when it is auctioned.
The labourer, Rampyare Vishwakarma, found the 14.09 carat diamond at the mine located near Krishna Kalyanpur village, said Pannas Diamond Officer Ravi Patel.
The gem will be auctioned in March, he said.
Talking to reporters, Vishwakarma said he and his six partners had been trying hard since a long time to find a diamond in the mine and they succeeded on Wednesday.
Vishwakarma said he has deposited the gem in the local diamond office.
Panna district, located in the impoverished region of Bundelkhand, is world famous for its diamond mines. - PTI