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Jamiat support to NRC update process

By Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, March 1 � The Assam State Jamiat Ulama has said that it will extend full cooperation to the process of updation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).

In a statement, the Jamiat said that it has for years tried to contribute towards solving the foreigners issue in Assam.

It said the Jamiat has for long been demanding updating of the NRC for identification of illegal immigrants with a view to permanently solving the problems.

�Jamiat has decided to extend full cooperation in preparation of the NRC to ensure that names of illegal immigrants are not included in it, while those of genuine Indian citizens are not excluded,� it said.

The organization has also decided to help citizens in depositing relevant documents to the NRC staff.

The State committee of the Jamiat Ulama has directed all the district committees to form a five-member cell in each ward to help the local people in this regard.

It also urged people across the State to participate in the NRC update process, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

The State government had said earlier this month that the ambitious project of updating the NRC is on schedule with the draft NRC to be published by mid-November this year and the final NRC to be out by January 2016.

A media campaign, including releasing advertisements in TV and newspapers, to sensitize the people about the NRC update process has already been started. A website dedicated for the purpose has been set up, as well as a helpline.

By March-end, NRC application forms will be distributed in individual households. The filled-up forms will be received at NRC Seva Kendras (NSK) and also online till July.

Even as it will continue, door-to-door verification will start from June, to be followed by publication of draft NRC at the end of October or mid-November.

After that, there will be a one-month period for claims and objections, before the final NRC is published in January 2016.

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