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India warns Pak of �unaffordable� costs

By The Assam Tribune

BARAMATI(MAH)/NEW DELHI, Oct 9 � India today sent out a strong warning to Pakistan, saying it will have to bear an �unaffordable� cost if it persists with its �adventurism� as Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that aggression from across the border is being responded to with courage, reports PTI.

Under attack from Opposition over the escalating ceasefire violations by Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir, Modi said the issue should not be politicised, arguing that it demoralises the jawans fighting on the border.

�The enemy has realised that times have changed and their old habits will not be tolerated�, Modi said even as Pakistan shelled 90 Indian villages of Jammu and Kashmir, continuing to violate the ceasefire.

�People know my intentions and I need not express those in words. Where the jawans have to speak, they speak with their finger on the trigger...And they will continue to speak that way,� the Prime Minister said, replying to Opposition criticism against him over the issue.

He said, �Today, when bullets are being fired on the border, it is the enemy that is screaming. Our jawans have responded to the aggression with courage.�

Modi, while addressing an election rally in Maharashtra�s Baramati, the turf of NCP chief and former Defence Minister Sharad Pawar, slammed those targeting the government on the issue through a public discourse, saying it demoralised the jawans fighting on the border.

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