SRINAGAR, March 20: Jammu and Kashmir Police chief Dilbagh Singh on Saturday claimed that American assault rifle M4, which was among the seized weapons in the Union Territory recently, are being illegally manufactured somewhere in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
He was giving details of the weapons which were smuggled in from Pakistan using drones and other means but seized by security forces along the border during 2020.
“The weapons seized last year was huge, incomparable to what we have seized in previous years. In all, there were 475 weapons seized last year. The number was not even half of this in 2019,” the top cop of the Union Territory said.
He said among the recoveries were pistols, AK assault rifles, M4 rifles, narcotics and cash as well.
“M4 actually is an American rifle but there are duplicates manufactured somewhere in Pakistan or Afghanistan,” he claimed. Singh said drugs are being smuggled in from Pakistan using drones and other means. For some time now, narcotics are being dropped using the drones. We are making our best efforts to counter this menace in an organised manner,” he said.– PTI