IMPHAL, March 31 - In the run up to the ensuing Lok Sabha elections in Manipur, the Excise department has seized liquor including local brew as well as Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) amounting to over Rs 23.74 lakh in recent time.
Since the announcement of elections in Manipur on March 10, enforcement agencies seized more than 5,461 litres of country liquor, 2,622 litres of IMFL and 850 litres of beer worth Rs 23,74,965 since the enforcement of model code of conduct of the elections.
So far, we�ve arrested 325 individuals during 425 raids mostly in Imphal West and Imphal East districts besides some areas under Bishnupur and Thoubal districrts. A fine of Rs 4,09,950 was also imposed, said Excise Deputy Superintendent Th Imo. Meanwhile, the seized liquor were burnt and destroyed at Excise department headquarters at Lamphel here.