JORABAT, Jan 4 - Most of the water supply schemes in Dimoria region are lying non-functional, with the local residents of the area facing problems of clean drinking water.
The water supply schemes at Jorabat (Amerigog), Tamulikuchi, Morokdolla, Sonaigaon and Aprikula are now either totally non-functional or function only once in a month or two. The water supply structures have now turned into habitats of insects, pests, goats, pigs, etc.
In what could be among the worst condition of these water supply schemes, the structures of Tamulikuchi and Morokdolla schemes have now been converted into places for rearing pigs and goats by the caretakers. The water in the tanks has become totally unfit for use. According to the caretaker of the Tamulikuchi water supply scheme, the project has remained non-functional due to non-payment of pending dues and lack of repair.
Similar is the case with the Morokdolla water supply scheme. According to social activist of Morokdolla area Jiten Rahang, the water supply scheme has not been functioning due to negligence and lack of attention from the State Public Health Engineering Department. He said that the people of the area now have been compelled to use the dirty water of the Digaru river for various purposes, including drinking. He wondered who would take responsibility if there is an outbreak of some epidemic in the area due to the use of dirty water.
Local residents of the area have requested the PHED and the Government of Assam to look into the matter of non-functioning of the Morokdolla water supply scheme and take appropriate steps to restore their functioning at the earliest possible. The local village headman also said that even after repeated intimation to the department and the government through various sources, nothing has materialised till date. According to him the water supply project in the area has been lying idle for the last two years.
He added that not only the Morokdolla project, various other similar water supply projects have been lying idle since long and have now proved to be of no use.