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Dhubri dist doctors wear black badges in protest

By Correspondent

DHUBRI, Jan 24 - To protest against the recent attack on a female doctor by miscreants alleging negligence while on duty, the doctors of the entire district wore black badges on Tuesday.

On Monday, some miscreants had brutally attacked gynaecologist Bonti Kakati after a patient died during a delivery case at Gauripur Hospital Pvt Ltd. The miscreants were the attendants of Sharjina Bibi of Balajan, who was brought to the hospital on Monday in a critical condition. After her death, the attendants not only brutally attacked the doctor but also injured almost 10 more staff of the hospital. The hospital authorities informed that along with the doctor, two nurses were also attacked who were also admitted to the hospital. The authorities later lodged an FIR at the Gauripur PS in which they mentioned that the miscreants broke many hospital equipment and snatched purses and ornaments of doctors and nurses.

Meanwhile, the Dhubri branch of Indian Medical Association (IMA) has submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner in this regard. The association has demanded immediate arrest of the culprits and exemplary punishment to them.

While addressing the media, honorary secretary of the IMA, Dr JB Roy said that the attack was not impulsive but calculated and barbaric. �We demand social security for the doctors because such an attack is not only a loss for the doctors� fraternity but for the entire society,� said Roy. He also added, �Bonti Kakati is a very good doctor. If she commits any mistake, legal action can be taken against her but she was beaten brutally by some women who were later joined by some men. Her condition is critical and she has been shifted to Bongaigaon for better treatment. But she has thousands of patients. Who will attend to them till she gets fully cured?�

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