GUWAHATI, June 16 � Arghyadip Das, Somak Palit S Bikaramjit Singh, Santu Mandal, Laltu Chaterjee, Madan Krishna Kayastha, Bhupendra Narula, Y Dhanabir Singh, Biswajit Nag, Dupit Tabu, Mara Tapung Pogia, Soram Rahul Singh, Th Bipin Singha, Nandan Buragohain, Cheniram Pegu and Chiraranjan Bhuyan are leading in the 6th Jugal Kishore Newatia International Fide Rating Chess Tournament with 2 points from 2 rounds, stated a press release.
International arbiter Debasish Baruah is conducting the tournament as chief arbiter and is being assisted by International arbiter Asit Baran Choudhury and senior national arbiters M Arun Singh, S Adhikari, Swaraj Buragohain, Taba Anam and P Lalchuwanpuia.
Altogether 195 players along with players from Nepal are vying for the top honours.