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Cancer information centre in Dibrugarh

By Staff correspondent

DIBRUGARH, June 7 - The Dehing Welfare Society, a non profit voluntary organisation has opened an information centre for cancer patients at Brahmaputra Lodge Building, Paltan Bazaar here.

The organisation seeks to provide free information to the needy patients who desire to go to Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati or Tata Cancer Hospital, Mumbai and others. According to the NGO workers, there are several cancer hospitals offering very quality services at cheap prices but people are unaware of them. �The major cause for cancer deaths in India is the high treatment cost and inferior quality of facilities in about 40% of cancer centres in India,� said NGO official Ammamuddin Ahmed.

The NGO will provide information relating to paper works, journey, accommodation, treatment, procuring free Chemotherapy and arranging financial assistance from the State government and Central schemes.

�At present we are sharing information relating to cancer diseases but in the future we will be able to provide necessary details to help patients suffering from liver, kidney and other diseases. Moreover, we are in touch with the various generic medicine company to purchase cancer medicine directly so that we can provide the medicines at low rates,� Ahmed said.

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