Weekly Horoscope: (October 31- November 6, 2022): Know your luck for this week

Guwahati, Oct 30: What your luck looks like this week (October 31- November 6, 2022)? Check out for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 19): This will be a productive period for you at work. Early this week, learn to take charge of your happiness and well-being. Thursday onwards, socialising is on the cards. This weekend, spend quality time with your family.
TAURUS (APR 20 – MAY 20): From Monday to Wednesday, you are ready to make positive lifestyle changes. Midweek onwards, your financial health may improve. You will also find ways to strengthen your relationship with a loved one. This weekend, socialise with your friends.
GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUN 20): Monday to Wednesday, be ready for some inspirational changes. Let go of the past. This week, teamwork will play a great role in your well-being. Thursday onwards, look before you leap. This weekend, spend time in Nature.
CANCER (JUN 21 – JUL 22): You will do well at work. Do not be impulsive where decision-making is concerned. Furthermore, it is important to focus on your financial goal. Domestic life is in a state of bliss. This weekend, make time for self-care.
LEO (JUL 23 – AUG 22): From Monday to Wednesday, you are good at problem solving. Midweek, effective communication is the key. This will be a good time to discuss your business venture with a trusted guide. This weekend, relax.
VIRGO (AUG 23 – SEPT 22): From Monday to Wednesday, you will do well at work. You are full of creative energy. This will be a good period to set savings goals. Thursday onwards, take it easy. Cultivating patience is the key. This weekend, travelling is on the cards.
LIBRA (SEPT 23 – OCT 22): From Monday to Wednesday, you inspire others at the workplace. Midweek, take care of your health. This will be a good time to start planning on your wellness routine. Spend this weekend with like-minded friends.
SCORPIO (OCT 23 – NOV 21): On Monday and Tuesday, take things slow in a committed relationship. You will do well at work. Midweek, improve your financial management skills. This weekend, it's time to let go of what no longer serves you.
SAGITTARIUS ( NOV 22 – DEC 21): On Monday and Tuesday, you will have a productive period at work. You shall effectively manage a project completion. Midweek onwards, socialise more with your friends. Remember to take care of your health, this weekend.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22 – JAN 19): From Monday to Wednesday, you are full of positive charisma at work. Effective networking is the key. Thursday onwards, remember to be kind to yourself. This weekend, domestic life is in a state of bliss.
AQUARIUS (JAN 20 – FEB 18): On Monday and Tuesday, it is important to slow down in life. On Wednesday and Thursday, an excellent opportunity at work awaits you. On Friday, spend your money wisely. This weekend, travelling is on the cards.
PISCES (FEB 19 – MAR 20): At the beginning of this week, focus on the small changes in your life. Wednesday onwards, learn to be more careful with your money. This will be a good period to explore new opportunities at work. This weekend, ease up on yourself.