Biswanath, May 8: In a tragic incident at Biswanath’s Tinisuti, a Class 10 student lost his life after reportedly falling from a hanging bridge while celebrating a friend's birthday.
The incident occurred today when the boy, accompanied by 6 to 7 friends, ventured to celebrate the birthday of their friend near the hanging bridge situated close to the Assam-Arunachal border.
According to sources, the incident unfolded as the student slipped from the bridge while attempting to take photographs. Despite immediate efforts, the student died on the spot. The victim was swiftly retrieved from the water by locals from the Tinsuti area. Although the boy was rushed to Biswanath Chariali Civil Hospital but doctors said the student had died.
The body was transferred to Bihali for post-mortem examination under the supervision of a magistrate.
At present, the exact cause leading to the student's death remains unknown, prompting anticipation for further revelations through the ongoing police inquiry.