ITANAGAR, Dec 26 - The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has estimated the exploitable credit potential for priority sector at Rs 625.81 crore for Arunachal Pradesh for the fiscal year 2019-20.
The credit projection was 1.34 per cent higher than the last year�s figure of Rs 617.48 crore, as indicated in the �State Focus Paper 2019-20�. The document was unveiled by Trade & Commerce Minister Wangki Lowang during the State credit seminar at Banquet Hall here recently.
The activity-wise credit potential estimated by NABARD is used by State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) of the State to arrive at the activity-wise/sector-wise/district-wise targets for various banks operating in the districts. SLBC has to complete the target allocation by March-end so that the targets are available to various banks in the beginning of the next financial year.
At the meet, NABARD made an exhaustive presentation highlighting exploitable credit potential for priority sector for the year 2019-20 for the State.
This was followed by a presentation on banking scenario in Arunachal Pradesh by J Dennis Rajkumar, Director, EPWRF, who highlighted that the poor CD ratio in the State at 25 per cent was a reason for great worry.