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Driving decisions: How ACKO drive makes car buying transparent

By The Assam Tribune
Driving decisions: How ACKO drive makes car buying transparent

Guwahati, May 16: A car investment is not child's play, and hence, we want to get the best deal possible. However, since there are so many elements to deal with in a car, enjoying accurate transparency is quite rare. Either they will levy hidden charges or keep the prices inflated to maximise their profit. However, that is not the case with ACKO Drive, as they offer the most transparent way of dealing with car purchases.

This online car-buying platform follows two major principles: providing the best possible prices for cars and eliminating hidden charges—the two major ways of establishing transparency in this industry. In this article, we will discuss how the process is conducted and how you will benefit from using ACKO Drive to purchase your car.

What Are The Common Ways That Car Dealers Breach Transparency?

Fraudulent cases in the car industry are quite common because the industry offers many loopholes to do so. They are more frequent if you are buying a second-hand car. Apart from the common techniques like recording increased prices and charging hidden fees, there are several other ways they can dupe you. Here, we will discuss the five most common breaching tricks they use.

● Unnecessary Handling Charges

How many of you know that car dealers are not liable for handling charges? It is illegal, as it is their duty to make this connection; hence, they cannot take handling charges from their customers. Moreover, if they insist on paying, you should directly contact the manufacturer or company's manager to help with the charges.

● Increased Service Bill Amount

It is the most inconvenience we have all faced. Especially in the case of second-hand cars, they make minor amendments and repairs but charge the buyer heavily. Hence, before purchasing, make sure you thoroughly go through the charges and fees levied on you.

● Tampering The Odometer

Another very common technique is harming the odometer, i.e., deliberately decreasing the reading in the machine. An odometer is an equipment that gauges the distance travelled by a vehicle in a stipulated time. Sometimes, it is possible that several customers might disagree on a price based on the distance travelled by the car; hence, they tend to lower the reading to fool the customer into believing that they are offering a competitive price.

● Altering The Vehicle History

If a car is used in a crime or similar activities, no one will agree to buy that vehicle; hence, many times, the car's history is erased by transporting it to a new state. Moreover, the purchase date and various other details about the car are also changed. In this case, a VIN can be handy for you to check the car's background to avoid future issues.

Why Should You Choose ACKO Drive?

The first thing to understand here is that ACKO Drive is not a car dealer but rather a platform that connects dealers to potential customers. Hence, opting for their services would mean you do not have to undertake the headache of tackling car dealers and their ways. You just need to connect through the platform, choose your model, make the payment and wait for the delivery. Let us now look at their way of functioning, which ensures absolute transparency,

  • Best prices: They partner with the best dealers and sellers who provide the most competitive prices for their products. Hence, this wipes out the chance of duping you with inflated prices. Moreover, you can also get your dream car within your calculated budget.
  • Complete transparency: Secondly, there are no hidden charges or taxes. For better confirmation, you can also ask them to explain their fees and charges.
  • Delivery at doorstep: Next, you get facilities like a used car inspection, financial assistance, and delivery right at your doorstep. In the case of the first facility, as the inspection will be done in front of you, you can easily track how they are conducting the examination. As a result, it reduces the chances of getting an incorrect value for your used car.
  • Comprehensive assistance: There are three steps involved in their way of working - they connect with the best dealers and sellers after a meticulous comparative study to bring you the best possible price. Next, they provide the necessary assistance to the customer. It is in this step that you clear all your doubts about the process. Lastly, once the deal is fixed, ACKO Drive will deliver the product to your doorstep.

Wrapping Up

Indeed, buying a car can be quite daunting, especially if you desire to get the best deal possible. However, with ACKO Drive becoming the mediator and taking over all the headaches of dealing with dealers, achieving transparency in car buying has become even easier.

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