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Assam Royal Global University celebrates "100 Years of Kafka"

By The Assam Tribune
Assam Royal Global University celebrates 100 Years of Kafka

Guwahati, May 17: The Department of English at the Royal School of Languages, Assam Royal Global University, hosted an event titled "100 Years of Kafka: Celebrating the Life and Legacy," commemorating the centennial anniversary of the eminent Czech writer and illustrator Franz Kafka’s passing on May 17.

This momentous occasion brought together literature enthusiasts, scholars, and students to honour Kafka's profound impact on literature and modern thought.

The event commenced with an address by Prof. Krishna Barua, the Dean of the Royal School of Languages. Her speech set the tone for the day, emphasising the timeless nature of Kafka's work and its resonance with contemporary issues.

The highlight of the opening ceremony was the unveiling of "Kafka's Labyrinth," a meticulously crafted collage created by the talented students of the department. This artwork symbolised the intricate and often perplexing worlds Kafka created in his writings. The highlight of the celebration was a riveting talk titled "The Relevance of Kafka," delivered by Dr. Pradipta Borgohain, Professor of English at Gauhati University.

Dr. Borgohain captivated the audience with his profound exploration of Kafka's enduring relevance. His talk delved deep into themes of exile, rootlessness, and bureaucracy, illustrating how Kafka's insights into the human condition continue to resonate in the modern era. Dr. Borgohain's eloquent analysis and engaging presentation left a lasting impression on all attendees, fostering a renewed appreciation for Kafka's literary genius.

The event also celebrated the creativity and talent of young writers through the announcement of the winners of the short story writing competition "More than a Bug’s Story." The competition saw remarkable entries from students across various disciplines. The winners were: Naif Neer Zaman from the Department of English, Swagat Mazumdar from the Department of Microbiology, Abhinash Sharma from the Department of English. Each winner was recognised for their outstanding storytelling, which echoed the complex and thought-provoking nature of Kafka's work.

The celebration concluded on a high note with a group photo session, capturing the joy and camaraderie of the participants. The event not only honoured Kafka’s legacy but also inspired a new generation of readers and writers to explore and appreciate the depth of his work.

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