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Arrested husband-wife duo sent to custody

By Correspondent

GOALPARA, June 20 - In a welcome move against land-grabbing, the accused husband and wife duo � Mahesh Choudhury and Nanda Barman Choudhury of Geetanagar, who were arrested on Saturday and booked under Section 420 /468/470/34 of IPC (read with Section-5 of Assam Land Grabbing Act) earlier, were sent to 14 days of judicial custody, after being produced in the court of the CJM for fraudulently registering a plot of 2 kathas of land of Upendra Chandra Roy in the Cha Bagan revenue village in their name by preparing fake documents. Meanwhile, another employee of the revenue office, Kanoongu Bishnu Kalita has also been sent to 14 days of judicial custody.

After a shocking revelation, it has been learnt from official sources that the then Circle Officer Abu Lias Choudhury, now the Circle Officer of Dhubri circle, passed the fake mutation and transfer order of the said property in his official capacity as an Asst Settlement Officer of Balijana circle.

After this case was revealed, the general public now are demanding an official enquiry in this regard as they suspect many shady land deals alleged to have taken place during his tenure.

Meanwhile, the other accused in the case, Lat Mandal of Matia Revenue Circle, Kailashpati Rajbangshi, Subhendu Sharma and Rajkummar Rabha are still absconding. While citizens of Goalpara have welcomed such a move on the part of the Government in the fight against corruption, they have appealed to the new Government to work decisively to uncover corruption wherever it exists.

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