What Is The Current Education Trend Of The Country?

Update: 2022-02-09 06:21 GMT
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The education landscape of India is seeing a change and this change is further escalated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The previous education trend that existed is no longer there and the new educational trend has started emerging. With the sudden disruption in the offline education system, the educational institution of India is adopting new ways to ensure that the students not only continue to learn their education but also learn their lessons in a better way. The current education trends in India in 2022 are listed here.

Non-conventional courses are given importance

Traditionally, the courses that offered a job as engineers, doctors, lawyers and accountants were given importance. However, that is no longer the case. The current job market set-up is such that even the non-conventional courses are now given preferences and in fact, is taken into consideration if one chooses the non-conventional courses as an optional subject for Sarkari Exam. Vocational courses like fashion, marketing, designing and communications are now very popular non-conventional courses that have a huge scope because of the digital innovation that is taking place.

The learning experience has become personalized

With the advancement in Augmented and Virtual Reality, learning experiences for students has become more customized and personalized. The pandemic further ensured that the adoption of such technology takes place at a quick pace. Also, many ed-tech start-ups are using such technology to ensure a good learning experience for their students.

Virtual learning is the new thing now

Home settings have become popular, both in the business and the educational world. Students have shifted to remote learning and virtual learning is one of the latest trends. Conducting classes, organizing exams and publishing Sarkari Result, all have been taking place in the online space. Online education is a new thing both for private and public educational institutions. According to a recent study conducted by KPMG, the online schooling business in India will soon be USD 2 billion in industry.

The hybrid educational model is now accepted

The pandemic has mixed both online and offline education and a hybrid education system is here to stay. Even when the pandemic is over, the online education model will continue to ensure that the students are able to complete their education at their very own pace. Along with students, the teachers are also adopting technology to ensure new assessment models for the performance of the students.

Learning is now possible anytime and anywhere

The digital transition of the education system has provided the students with the flexibility to ensure that they have the freedom to learn anytime and anywhere. The flexibility of learning for the students will ensure that they can continue their studies whenever the schedule permits them to.


Learning need not be boring for the students anymore. The concept of gamification has made it possible to ensure that education is now a fun learning experience for the students. The learning through gamification of the lessons has given the students a new fun way of learning. The gamification process has made sure that the students are glued to their lessons without feeling any burden of the curriculum. Making the learning process enjoyable has increased the effectiveness of embedding the lessons.

It needs to be noted that the digital divide in India still exists and the current trend that is running in the educational system does not hold true for all the students. However, the government is trying to support the students by being inclusive of all the students. Students that belong to poor economic backgrounds and regions are the ones who are not able to experience the new trend that is running in the educational system. In addition to that, digital skills are also not sufficient enough to make both the students and teachers feel empowered. The current educational trend can only be beneficial when the stakeholders of the educational institutions are empowered with digital skills.

The pandemic has changed the educational discourse of India and that is for good. It is possible for the students to get creative with their learning experience. In addition to that, the mental health of the students is also now considered while designing their curriculum. The impact of pandemics on the mental health of the student is now being considered by the teachers and faculty while designing the lessons and assigning the deadlines for different assignments and projects. All the changes are positive, the only thing that is required is to minimize the digital divide.

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