Senior members of AJP resign from party citing corruption

Update: 2021-03-18 12:00 GMT

Guwahati, March 18: In a press conference held at Vishnu Nirmala Bhawan, Latasil in Guwahati, senior members of Assam Jatiya Parishad, Kamrup Metro Committee – Shri Bikash Narayan Sarma, Vice President, Shri Kanak Talukdar, Vice President, Smt. Sabita Deka Mahanta, Joint Secretary, Shri Anil Das, Joint Secretary and Shri Tarun Dutta, Organizing Secretary informed the media persons, about their resignation from party citing irregularities in management and alleged corruption of certain senior leaders of the party in regards to allotment of party tickets.

In a statement, one of the Vice Presidents, Bikash Narayan Sarma has raised the question of allegedly giving party tickets to unknown persons in a helicopter landing fashion and alleged that there has been unholy nexus and hidden agenda to favour the ruling collation for the personal gains of certain members of the party's leadership.

He further accused that the nature of expending money on glorification and perks to certain party leadership while the root-level workers were bearing their own expenses of campaign is not relatable to that of a party born out of people’s will and hopes but rather that of a corrupt party.

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