22 civilians killed by Ukrainian shelling: Russia

By :  IANS
Update: 2024-06-08 06:25 GMT

Moscow, June 8:  At least 22 civilians were killed as Ukrainian forces bombed a store in the village of Sadovoye in Russia's Kherson, region's Governor Vladimir Saldo said. Saldo said that on Friday, at the time of the attack, there were a significant number of customers and staff inside the store, according to a TASS report.

According to the Governor, the strike occurred twice, reports Xinhua news agency.

The first (strike) was delivered by a guided French aerial bomb, and the second by a well-known American HIMARS projectile, Saldo was quoted as saying in the report.

After the first arrival, people from neighbouring houses ran out to help the victims; after a short period of time, a HIMARS missile arrived. Among the dead were two children, Saldo added.

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