I, Me, Myself

Update: 2021-04-01 12:00 GMT
JOI BARUA is an acclaimed singer and music composer.

“Take care of this Earth because it is the only one you have.”

Music is my first true love that has continued throughout my life. I learn from music and am nourished by it, and it changes me in unending ways. It is precious and sacred to me. Having eclectic influences in music – from John Lennon to Bhupen Hazarika, is not confusing at all. In fact, all the great artistes created music aspiring for a better world, for love, peace and equality. Today, when I meet my fans, I rethink my perspectives. I respect their spending time and effort to hear me. I am, then, filled with humility. But I also have the regret of not being able to attend some world class music academy and be with musicians like myself. I am a self-taught artiste and, maybe, there is satisfaction in that.

Children, love the world around you, take care of this Earth because it is the only one you have.

(As told to Indrani Raimedhi)

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