I, Me, Myself

Update: 2021-03-25 12:00 GMT

Rinchin Choden is an author and illustrator from Arunachal Pradesh.

Always be positive and don’t harm others.

I hail from Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh. It is a beautiful, peaceful place, an integral part of India. But sad to say, when I go to places like Bengaluru and elsewhere, the people call me Chinese and advise me to go back to China. Often they do so in jest, but it is deeply hurtful. Instead of letting our prejudices rule us, we must have an open mind.

I love to tell stories and doodle and that is how my Lazy Rinzi series was born. I began by keeping a journal and jotting down my observations about people and everyday events. My friends loved them and urged me to publish them. It was done and released at a national bookfest. It has struck a chord with children and this makes me very happy.

These days, I am working with a film production house, Wildflower Productions. I am able to give free reign to my imagination. When you are doing something you love, there is no room for negativity. Always be positive and don’t harm others.

(As told to Indrani Raimedhi)

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