Update: 2021-02-25 12:00 GMT
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Mayukh Hazarika, son of the legendary Jayanta Hazarika, is a well-known singer in his own right, with albums like Aniruddha, Sokuye Jodi Kotha Koi to his credit. He is also a veteran journalist.

Ultimately, what you do is your own decision.

I consider my late father’s legacy to be a great blessing. It is true that at a very young age I lost his love and affection. That sorrow lingers. But it is wonderful how I continue to discover him through the prism of a society that cherishes him. I keep hearing anecdotes about him that help me form an idea of him through this continually evolving portrait by many, many people.

Regarding whether I study and follow his music, all of us do. My father and my uncle were geniuses who belong to all, overcoming time and changes in trends. My father ushered in modernity in Assamese music and that is why his songs feel so contemporary even today.

Regarding the youth, they are in the middle of unprecedented change. The options for careers are many, but parents, their children and well-wishers must make a choice. Ultimately, what you do is your own decision.

(As told to Indrani Raimedhi)

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