Two girls missing from tea garden area in Mariani; Residents fear human trafficking

Update: 2024-06-25 12:58 GMT

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Jorhat, June 25:  Two girl students from the Kharikatia Tea Garden have been missing for almost a month in Assam’s Mariani. The disappearance of the children has caused widespread alarm in the area.

The girls, attending fifth and third grades, respectively, went out together for an outing on May 29 but never returned home.

Despite relentless efforts, the Mariani Police have been unable to trace the whereabouts of the two girls. The prolonged absence and the lack of any substantial leads have intensified the worry among the local residents.

Meanwhile, there has been a growing suspicion that the girls may have become victims of human traffickers.

According to sources, the incident is not isolated. Recently, there have been multiple reports of attempted child abductions in the tea garden areas of Mariani, raising concerns about the safety of children. The disappearance of the two young girls has escalated the sense of panic in the tea garden.

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