KSA, FSF set to carry Amur Falcon Festival in Karbi Anglong

Update: 2021-11-01 09:01 GMT

Diphu, Nov 1: Karbi Students Association (Thangsing faction) in association with NGO Four Seasons Foundation is all set to carry Amur Falcon Festival at Moushaldiang located within the general areas of Umrukhuti and Chinthong of West Karbi Anglong district from November 9 with three days outline.

Karbi Students Association president Thangsing Timung has informed the media at Diphu that his organization and Four Seasons Foundation will carry out the third chapter of the Amur Falcon Festival with a basic aim of raising awareness to protect and conserve Amur Falcon, the Siberia derivation bird which has formerly listed under endangered species.

According to ornithologists, Amur Falcon pays a visit to Umrukhuti in Chinthong, West Karbi Anglong before going back to Siberia. The organizers have ordered traditional sports events, paragliding, trekking, birds watching, and local food fiesta and cultural events for value addition to the Amur Falcon Festival. Chief executive Member of Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, Tuliram Ronghang has been invited as Chief Guest of the celebration.

The Amur falcon (Falco Amurensis), also known as the eastern red-footed falcon, is a small raptor of the falcon family. The arrival of the Amur falcons in large numbers shows that the region offers a safe passage on their journey to southern Africa.

Amur falcons breed in southeastern Siberia, northern China, Manchuria, Mongolia and North Korea; they spend their winters in southern Africa, They essentially feed on insects like termites and occasionally consume very small birds. Male birds are usually a dark sooty brown while females of the species can, however, be a little more confusing as they sport a typical falcon head pattern.

The exact migration path of this medium size slender bird species covers around 22,000 km in a year. This includes a 3,000 km flight across the Indian Ocean from Asia to Africa.

The return journey from Africa to Asia during February and March is less unstated and is thought to take place over land. They stop over in India and Bangladesh for a few weeks to fatten up. Every October, huge numbers of Amur falcons arrive in northeast India from Siberia en route to their final destination in Africa.

As a signatory to the Conservation on Migratory Species, Government of India is legally committed to offer safe passage to this bird and prevent any massacre as well as draw up proper action plans for the long-term conservation of this bird.

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