NALBARI, Feb 14 - Thousands of AASU activists of Ghograpar Anchalik Students� Union today blocked the NH 31 at Ghograpar in protest against the government�s failure to supply textbooks to students till date.The AASU activists first gheraoed the Circle Office of Ghograpar Revenue Circle to highllight problems of students due to the non-availability of textbooks. However, since the officiating circle officer was absent, the memorandum could not be given.
Then the AASU activists blocked the NH 31 for an hour forcing restrictions of vehicular movement on both sides of the highway. Finally, the Circle Officer arrived at the agitation site and received the copy of the memorandum. A protest meeting was also held on the highway where the secretary of Nalbari district unit of AASU Akshay Deka, secretary of Nalbari Jilla Unnati Sabha Ratul Deka strongly criticised the government�s failure to supply free textbooks to students.