BARPETA, May 10 � The Department of Assamese, Bapujee College, Sarukshetri, in association with Jupiter Club Sarthebari will organise a UGC-sponsored national seminar on folk drama in modern Assamese play with a two-day-long programme on June 25 and 26.
As per schedule, the seminar will start with the hoisting of the college flag by Mahesh Kalita, principal in-charge of the college at 8:45 am on June 25. The inaugural session will begin at 10 am with the lighting of lamps by Dr Girish Deka, president of the Bapujee College management committee.
Dr Umesh Deka Rabindra of Gauhati University will inaugurate it. Dr Sailen Bharali, retired professor of Gauhati University and Dr Biplab Chakravarty, retired professor of Burdwan University, West Bengal will attend the inaugural session as honourable guests respectively.
Dr Chakravarty will also chair the first session of the seminar scheduled at 11:30 am on that day. The second session of the seminar will be held at 1:30 pm, while the third session of the seminar will be held at 9:30 am on June 26 which will be chaired by Dr Dilip Bora, Head of the Department Modern Indian Language, Gauhati University. Dr Mukul Chakravarty, associate professor of Gauhati University in the department of MIL will chair the fourth session of the seminar at 11:30 am.
The valedictory function in the afternoon of the concluding day will be chaired by Mahesh Kalita. Bichitra Choudhury, former president of the college management committee, will be the chief guest. Dr Nakul Deka, former principal of the college will attend the function as the distinguished guest.
Intending participants are requested to send the summary of the papers by May 30 and the full papers by June 15.