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R-Day Journalism Award to RM Bhagawati

By Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, Jan 24 - The State Government has decided to confer the prestigious Republic Day Journalism Award on noted journalist and Editor of the Dainik Asam Radhika Mohan Bhagawati in recognition to his immense lifelong contribution towards journalism in the State.

Bhagawati, who will be the first recipient of the award, will be honoured at the State-level function of the Republic Day on January 26 at the College of Veterinary Science Playground, Khanapara here, said an official press release here this evening.

The award carries a cash amount of Rs 1 lakh, a citation inscribed on a copper plate, a japi, a sorai and an angabastra, the press release said.

It may be noted that the Republic Day Journalism Award has been instituted under the Information and Public Relations Department to honour persons of eminence in the field of journalism. The award will be presented at the State-level Republic Day function every year.

Bhagawati�s name was selected from among a list of 30 nominees submitted by eight journalists� organisations of the State. To select the recipient a high-level selection committee was formed.

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