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Police to launch ops against Garo outfits

By Newmai News

SHILLONG, March 7 � Meghalaya DGP Rajiv Mehta has warned of an aggressive operation against insurgent outfits in Garo Hills.

�Tackling the militancy situation in the region would be the topmost priority of the police�, said Mehta, who was in Tura earlier this week to take stock of the prevailing law and order situation.

Mehta, accompanied by IGP GHP Raju was on a two-day familiarisation tour to Garo Hills. During his visit, he held a meeting with the SPs of all five districts of Garo Hills and West Khasi Hills at 2nd MLP Battalion Goeragre, in the outskirts of Tura.

�We discussed several issues confronting the region to draw up an action plan�, Mehta said.

The issue of raising of a special force which will support fighting against militants of Garo Hills was also discussed during the meeting. �We are going ahead with the special force�, remarked Mehta.

IGP GHP Raju informed that CCTVs would be installed in 10 different strategic locations of Tura in the next few days. �The SP will finalise the locations�, he said.

Asked about upgradation of police stations in Meghalaya, Raju said that it is under active consideration of Ministry of Home Affairs. As per the proposed plan, 18 outposts will be upgraded to police stations and 16 existing police stations will be upgraded to grade A level.

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