GUWAHATI, Aug 30 - If you are a mid-career professional still grappling for job satisfaction, you can take solace in the fact that a section of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and the Indian Police Service (IPS) officers is also facing the same problem. Government records point out that as many as 172 Grade �A� officers, including the IAS and the IPS, posted in Assam had moved the Court in the last five years, seeking redressal of their job-related grievances.
In Assam itself, 172 Grade �A� officers, including the IAS and the IPS, had moved the Guwahati bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), seeking redressal of their different professional grievances in the last five years.
The CAT functioning under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension Department of Personnel and Training had come across nearly such 300 cases (related to Grade �A� officials) in the last five years from across the North-east, with the highest number of such cases (172) emerging from Assam.
Of the nearly 300 cases of grievances filed by top officials posted in the North-eastern States with the Guwahati bench of CAT, 30 cases were filed by IAS officers, while 33 cases were filed by IPS officers posted in the region. Eight Indian Forest Service (IFS) officers also sought legal intervention to deal with their professional grievances.
Apart from 172 cases from Assam, 37 officials based in Meghalaya had moved the CAT for redressal of their professional grievances followed by Manipur with nine cases and Tripura with 21 cases during the same period.
Official sources said the number of such cases is increasing and the CAT�s Guwahati bench has maintained one of the best disposal rates in this regard. Of the 3,653 cases filed between 2007 and 2016 with the CAT�s Guwahati bench, 3,643 cases were disposed of.
The CAT, which came into being in 1985, is meant for adjudication of disputes with respect to recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed in public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or other local authorities in India or under the control of the Government of India.