BISWANATH CHARIALI, Feb 13 - A major project called �Protection of Biswanath-Panpur, including areas of upstream Silamari and far downstream Bhumuraguri to Boragaon against erosion of the river Brahmaputra� to protect the lives and properties of a huge area of Biswanath Chariali is being implemented at the southern part of the district headquarters of the Biswanath district.
However, the local people alleged that the progress of the work is not satisfactory at all, though the work was started in February, 2015. The project involved protection works for a reach length of 6,000 metres in between Bortilla to Sholmari village and execution of earth work for strengthening of existing embankment for a length of 7,280 metres with erection of PSC porcupine at Biswanath Ghat.
The contract for protection work was distributed among two contractors � M/s SM Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd of Maharastra for a length of 3,960 metres and JV Flexituff and Javed Ahmed, LLP, Biswanath Chariali for a length of 3640 metres. However, the progress of the work is very poor, the locals alleged.
At the west side, no protection work has been taken up till and there is high possibility of danger during the flood season. Moreover, the contractor has not started any work at Silamari and Bhojmari areas till now where they have to carry out another protection work for a length of 800 metres each.
In addition to the above, supply of porcupine is not satisfactory and only a few contractors have allegedly supplied 50 per cent of their allotted work. On the other hand, the geo-bags were told to be made in China, but the relevant papers show that it is country-made.
Several social organisations, including AAMSU, Biswanath Chariali Nagarik Santha and Senior Citizens� Forum, have urged the State Government to take necessary action for early completion of the work.
The Biswanath LAC MLA had also written to the State Minister of Water Resources in this respect. The Biswanath Deputy Commissioner, Asitaksha Chakravarty, accompanied by engineer Prabin Bhuyan of Tezpur division of Department of Water Resource and Executive Engineer Lochan Choudhury of Biswanath visited the site on Thursday last and instructed the concerned officers to complete the work at the earliest.
Local people alleged that such type of works have become an earning source for some employees.